This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Git Bash, Msys, PHPStorm, PHPUnit, Shell, Windows, Windows XP. Bookmark the permalink. ← IDEA-64024 Git submodules should be supported. The trick here is instead of having PhpStorm use git.exe, you need to point it at a batch script. Need for speed payback game download. This Stack Overflow question helped me a ton, but I needed to modify it a little bit. For whatever reason, my.bashrc file wasn’t being loaded when calling bash.exe -c which meant that agent wasn’t being loaded.
PHPStorm will create a hidden folder named.idea directly within your project, containing user-specific stuff like chosen PHP version, syntax highlighting settings etc. This can be quite annoying as these files mess up your git repo and create conflicts when being committed into the repo (as other team members also have their own setting). PHPStorm with GIT Bash Instead of Windows terminal. 04 Jun 1 mins read 248 views likes. Find out how to configure PHPStorm with GIT Bash. By default, PHPStorm.

Use Git Bash In Phpstorm Terminal
The fact is, though, that it's a terminal client and that's how PhpStorm thinks of it. To implement it, you have to go to:
>> File -> Settings -> Tools -> Terminal
Once you're there, here are the steps necessary to enable Git Bash in the Terminal dialogue.
Now you can browse file from your git installation location.
That would be like below path:
C:Program FilesGitbinsh.exe and it may differ in your machine
And then need to bound the path by double quotation like:
'C:Program FilesGitbinsh.exe'
And add the following line after that '-login -i'
And the final output be like:
'C:Program FilesGitbinsh.exe' -login -i
Your set-up is completed, now press Alt+F12 to see git window inside PhpStorm.
And your are done.