Mendeley On Mac


Mendeley Desktop does not support macOS 11 Big Sur. Last updated on October 15, 2019. Mendeley Desktop does not support macOS 11 Big Sur. If you choose to upgrade to macOS 11 Big Sur you may be unable to install or access Mendeley Desktop. You should alternatively use I'm starting on my bachelor thesis, and I want to use Mendeley as I always do. However, I recently updated to macOS 11 Big Sur, unaware that Mendeley apparently doesn't support Big Sur. As far as I can tell it still works just fine, but I don't want to risk stumbling on compatibility problems in a month or two. Elsivier (the company that owns Mendeley) appears to have abandoned support for Mendeley. They have chosen to not update Mendeley to work properly with Word 2016 for Mac. I suggest you investigate Zotero and EndNote and take your queue from Elsivier - abandon Mendeley. Zotero and EndNote products continue to be supported by their makers.

One of the great built-in features in Mendeley is without a doubt the citation plugin for your word processor of choice. We currently support most of popular word processors such as MS word (Mac and Windows), OpenOffice, Neo Office, and Libre Office. We’re continuously working to improve the efficiency and general user interface of this plugin because we feel it is an important component within Mendeley Desktop and your overall research workflow.

That being said, I’d like to touch on a small aspect that many Mendeley citation plugin users are probably unaware of. If you add multiple citations at the same time, the appropriate citation style is used for such situations. For example, if you were citing 3 articles and they were the 3rd, 4th and 5th citations added, they’d probably be added as follows 3-5 (if using a numeric inline citation style format like “Nature Genetics”.). However, if you went in to the document and wanted to add another reference in that bundle, it would show up as 3-5 6. That is not good.
Quick solution? Delete the citations and add all four together. Which would mean remembering which reference they were, selecting all four and adding them in again.

Better solution? Merge the citations! Just select the 3-5 and 6 citation and then go to your citation plugin options in your word processor and select Merge citations. The end result should be 3-6. No need to go track down the references again. Just select, merge. Done.

Check out this quick 2 minute video showcasing our Word plugin:

Here are the previous eight entries in our How-to series:

1. Join the Mendeley Academic Collaboration Network

Create an account and start interacting with over 4 million like-minded researchers.

2. Import Your Reference Libraries from other Reference Managers such as Endnote and RefWorks

Download the Mendeley Migration Guide from this page to get started.

Best dji editing software free. 3. Join one of thousands of Public Groups or start your own Public Group.

Visit Mendeley's group directory to browse existing groups or create your own using our dedicated guide to public groups.

4. Create a Private Group and collaborate with colleagues by reading and annotating together.

Find out more in our dedicated guide to private groups.

5. Discover Readership Statistics about the paper you are reading.

Mendeley Reviews

Browse Mendeley’s crowd-sourced research catalog of millions of papers.

6. Showcase your publication history.

Add your personal publications to your Mendeley profile using Mendeley Desktop, or by visiting your profile page.

7. Choose from one of 8000+ citation styles or create your own!

Use the CSL Editor to explore and modify existing styles. Automatically download journal styles from Elsevier's Author Guides.

8. Drag and drop PDFs automatically extract metadata about research papers.


Add new entries to your library in just a few seconds. Verify the extracted metadata manually, or automatically using a document identifier lookup.

9. Enable the File Organizer to bring order to your stored file.

Mendeley saves your references in the cloud, but you can also opt to download local copies and automatically rename the PDFs using a naming scheme you specify.

10. Mendeley Desktop is available on Mac, Windows and Linux. Mendeley Web functions on all major browsers.

Mendeley Catalina

For more details, see the list of video tutorials and support center.