Remember The Milk Todoist

Remember the Milk vs Todoist; Company: Company name: Remember the Milk: Todoist: Rating ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ TRO Ready.

After 8 years of RTM pro membership, I decided to move on to Todoist. I gave up after my first attempt since Todoist could not process the extract file from RTM. However, I decided to dig a bit deeper and came up with the following approach.
  • Set up the Todoist trigger, and make magic happen automatically in Remember The Milk. Zapier's automation tools make it easy to connect Todoist and Remember The Milk.
  • I have been using Remember The Milk (RTM) since 2008. I signed up RTM in 2008 and using a year so deeply then stopped using. And after a year later, I came back and started using again.

Disclaimer: this is was a personal project which I am documenting here for other people's benefit. This is strictly a 'where is, as is' endeavour. However, while you could fail - you cannot really break anything either. So - good luck!

Getting an extract file out of RTM (Remember the milk)

The first step is getting an *.ics file out of RTM. *.ics is a diary format, but it can be reconverted.

Todoist Website

Delete your completed tasks from RTM

When you export, ALL your RTM tasks will get into the *.ics file. If you have 2,000 completed tasks in RTM, they will end up there as well. Given that you most likely only want the active tasks, select the completed ones and delete them first. That will make your migration job a lot easier.
Go to the RTM search an search for 'status:completed':

Select all your tasks, click the 'more functions' thingy '..' and select delete tasks:
Finally, it will ask you if you want 'delete repeating tasks' or not.

I guess it depends how certain you are that you want to migrate away from RTM:
  • If you are 100% certain it does not matter, you could choose 'stop repeating'.
  • If you are less than 100% sure, better stick with 'continue repeating' - better save than sorry!

Extract your active tasks from RTM

Now is when the fun begins!
On the top right corner on the RTM screen, click the 'tools' button and select 'account settings'.
Click 'export' on the left hand column and click 'download export'.Todoist or remember the milk

Finally, save it where-ever you want:
You will get a cryptically named *.ICS file (red rectangle). If you open it you get tagged file in some proprietary format (blue rectangle):

Convert your *.ics file into a CSV (Comma separated value) file

Now, I am not vouching for any online conversion services. Google 'ICS file conversion' and you get plenty of choices. For no particular reason, I selected the red bordered one - which does not mean that I recommend it as save. Use the usual cautions - if you have sensible private information in your tasks, remove them before proceeding.
The conversion itself is pretty straight-forward: select the *.ics file you saved from RTM, choose your date format (I am going for 'civilised part of the world') and click the 'Convert to CSV' button:

After you downloaded the converted file, I would also use the 'Deleted file from our server' option. (Please note that I am not saying that this option actually does anything in the background).
The result is, unsurprisingly, a CSV (aka 'comma separated value') file:

You can open it in a spreadsheet (MS Excel for most people, LibreOffice Calc for the Linux people like myself) and delete any columns you do not need or want.
TodoistPersonally, I am only keeping the 'Title' column at the beginning document and manually re-doing the dates, frequencies, tags, etc. on the tasks. However, feel free to play around with the columns and see how much information you can get across (more on that later).Todoist vs remember the milk
For the demonstration purposes of this blog, I only kept the 'Title' column and 5 non-descriptive tasks:

Load your CSV file into Todoist

Now the last bit is REALLY easy, but you can play around with it and come up with a more advanced approach. Basically, Todoist allows you import CSV files which they call 'templates'.
Let's do the easy approach first.
For the purposes of this blog, I simply created a new project called 'RTM import demonstration'. Please have a look at the tool icon in top right corner .. you will need it in a second:
Click the tool icon and select 'Input from template' (this is what Todoist calls CSV files) ;-)
This dialogue will open and you can select your updated/culled CSV file:

.. and, voilà, as if by magic .. my 5 tasks in the CSV file have been imported:

That's it, you are finished importing your old RTM tasks. I had about 250 of them and preferred to manually cull, date, tag, assign repetitions, etc. to them. The big advantage is that this will show you how Todoist works (which is different from RTM).
Now, for extra points only (remember, you are finished already) .. let's produce a Todoist template and save it as a CSV file:
The result is:
  • the first line gives you the header and the sequence of the data elements
  • you can clearly see the 5 tasks that were in the Todoist project
  • for some reason, Todoist is also putting the ',' sequence in which is causing empty lines. You can safely remove them (use 'change all') - have done this a few times without encountering any issues.
  • Knowing now what input structure structure Todoist expects in its 'template', you can now go back to your ICS to CSV converted file, load it into a spreadsheet and play around with copying/pasting it into this order.
  • When re-importing, you will most likely get more information across. That could be useful if you are migrating thousands of tasks.

Some honourable mentionings: this blog entry was brought to you using

Todoist Online

  • Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 (LMDE2),
  • LibreOffice Calc,
  • GNU image manipulation program (GIMP) and
  • Pinta
If you are one of those hard-done by Microsoft users - it does not have to be that way! Switch to Linux!
Good luck and enjoy!

Everybody needs a To-Do list of their own. Sure, good old pen and paper might work. But now that we all have our lives gone digital, wouldn’t it be nicer if we have our To-Do list too on all our digital devices? Here are ten such amazing To-Do list creator software that will help you manage tasks efficiently.

1. Remember the Milk

Platforms Supported: iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry 10, Browsers(using Addons)

Even though the name Remember the Milk looks funny, this is one of the best free to-do list creators and it has many features like managing tasks from anywhere, getting alerts via SMS or email or instant messengers, Sharing the tasks, Accessing the tasks from the phone, Managing the tasks offline, Integration with Google calendar, etc. The tasks can be assigned priorities, postponed for later, send the tasks to other individuals, etc. It can also be integrated with Gmail and outlook so that the reminders are displayed on the sidebar. You can also add the tasks via your Twitter account by the following on Twitter. You can create the account for free using your already existing Google or Facebook profile.

2. Wunderlist

Acpi pnpb006 windows 7 driver download. Platforms Supported : iPhone,iPad, Android, Windows, Mac, Browsers (using Addons)

The UI of Wunderlist is more appealing when compared with other to-do apps even though the functionality is more or less the same. You can basically create to-do lists and do sorting, rearranging, assigning priority, marking as completed, deletion, etc. It also has an option for setting reminders and the alerts are sent via email or notification via the app. One more interesting feature in the app is Smartlists. It basically filters the to-do items and shows only items assigned to you, overdue items, starred items, and the items that are due for the current day.

3. Toodledo

Platforms Supported: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Browsers(using Addons)

The major interface of Toodledo is web-based as the users have to pay around $2 for downloading the app. The users can utilize the mobile version of the website for free. In addition to creating to-do lists, assigning priority, etc the software also tracks the time for finishing the task. The tasks are organized based on the important levels and the UI appearance of the Toodledo looks more like the Microsoft outlook.

4. Any.Do

Platforms Supported: iPhone, Android

Any.Do is a simple to-do list app without comprising on the features supported. You can add tasks easily and assign priority, rearranging, postponing for a later date, etc. Also, new tasks can be added using your voice instead of typing. You can also add tasks by sending an email to The only drawback is it does not have a good interface for PC or web browsers. So the app can be accessed only with a mobile phone.

5. Todoist

Platforms Supported: iPhone, Android, iPad, Windows, Mac, Browsers (using Addons)

Todoist is a free app that can be accessed on almost all devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. It can also be integrated with Gmail and outlook. The functionality is more similar to the app Wunderlist. The remainders can be set based on time or location.

6. Orchestra

Platforms Supported: iPhone

Orchestra is a free app for the iPhone and a decent one for normal users. It can be downloaded from the iTunes store. The tasks can be entered either by voice or text. It is very easy to share tasks among multiple users. It lacks some features like deleting lists or contacts, importing tasks from other tools, etc. Overall it is a simple app with its own limitations.

7. Taskulous

Platforms Supported: iPhone

Vpn server software mac os x. Taskulous can be downloaded from iTunes and has features like creating tasks with a due date, rescheduling tasks, sending tasks via email, a separate today section for listing out the tasks for the current day, automatically moving the completed tasks, etc.

8. Google Keep

Platforms Supported: Android, Browsers (using Addons)

Google keep is a free app for android based devices. Notes are stored in the cloud and so it can be viewed on the desktop or mobile from anywhere. The main features include creating to-do notes, adding reminders, etc. The notes can be color-coded for easy identification.

9. Taskos

Platforms Supported: Android

Taskos is one of the popular to-do apps for android devices. The features include Speech to Text, Google Task Sync, scheduled alerts, sorting, task sharing, setting importance levels for tasks, pre-defined categories for adding tasks, etc.

10. Tasks N Todos

Platforms Supported: Android

Tasks N Todos (Not available anymore) is an efficient app for android tablets and phones. The features include sync with google tasks, sharing tasks via email, voice to text, assigning priority, reordering, sub-tasks creation, sorting, reminders, etc.

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